Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Resources for Astronomers Seeking Academic Jobs

Eds note: November is National Career Development Month, an annual observance dedicated to highlighting the importance of career development and planning. This month, we will post relevant articles related to career development in Astronomy, Planetary Science, Physics, and science in general.

By Floor Broekgaarden

Today’s post is by Dr. Floor Broekgaarden. Dr. Broekgaarden is an Assistant Professor in the Astronomy department at UC San Diego in La Jolla, California. She joined this department in fall 2024 and will be building a research group in Gravitational Wave Paleontology. She enjoys spending time and energy doing several other things for the Astronomy Community including initiating a group to support early-career astronomers. Below she shares her compiled resources with our readers.

Early-career astronomers have to learn to navigate an academic system in permanent evolution. Demystifying the academic job market and securing the next internship or job can be particularly challenging. Many resources for astronomers exist online that have been created by fantastic organizations and people to help understand and demystify many aspects of the process (e.g., where to find jobs, how to write application material, what to expect for interviews, negotiations,.. etc. etc.). 

I created an overview of many of these resources, which you can find in the following links: 

- Astronomy Workshop recordings (recorded workshops on academic skills such as networking, writing, applying for jobs, mental health etc.)

Eds Note: The AAS Committee on Employment has also shared resources (as of October 2023) to help you search for jobs and hire! Also check out the CSWA’s resource page.

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