last month’s ADVICE post on Workplace Bullying, I mentioned that there are many ways for a bully to
bully. Here is an incomplete list of bullying tactics adapted from Wikipedia
and modified for the astronomical community. Your bully may employ one of more
of these tactics or he/she may have invented others. Unfortunately, there is no
check list for workplace bullying in astronomy. You cannot study this list,
check 5 or 10 items, and then link to recipe XYZ to solve the problem. Advice
really does need to be tailored to the details of a specific situation.
If you are the victim of workplace bullying, look
over the list and identify the tactics of your bully. Then (Please! Please!
Please!) talk
to someone you trust. You and the people closest to you can begin to develop a
strategy to extricate you from the bully’s influence. Don’t be afraid to pull
in the professionals, a counselor or an ombudsperson, but always check up front
if they can keep your conversations confidential.
to professional status
— belittling
— public
professional humiliation
— accusations
regarding lack of effort
— intimidating use
of discipline or competence procedures
to personal standing
— undermining
personal integrity
— destructive
innuendo and sarcasm
— making
inappropriate jokes
— persistent
teasing, name calling, insults
— intimidation
— preventing
access to opportunities
— physical or
social isolation
— withholding
necessary information
— keeping the
target out of the loop
— ignoring or
— undue pressure
— impossible
— unnecessary
— failure to
acknowledge good work
— allocation of
meaningless tasks
— removal of
— repeated
reminders of blunders
— setting target
up to fail
— shifting goal
posts without telling the target
are some specific examples. The bully:
accused you of "errors"
glared, or nonverbally intimidated you and was clearly showing hostility
your thoughts or feelings (“that’s a stupid idea") in meetings
the "silent treatment" to "ice out" and separate you from
others in the group
presumably uncontrollable mood swings in front of the group
up his/her own rules on the fly that even he/she did not follow
satisfactory or exemplary quality of your work
and constantly criticized you; has a different standard for you
or failed to stop, destructive rumors or gossip about you
people to turn against you
credit for your work (plagiarism)
the evaluation process by lying about your performance
against you after you filed a complaint
unrealistic demands on you (workload, deadlines, duties)
information on this and other topics, please see CSWA's advice page.
Can't tell you how badly persons with.disablities get treated. This bullying is used far to often.
I recognise points mentioned. I then someone starts the rumor I do not like my job and will leave the company...
Workplace bullies often act just under the radar, denying their hostile intent or shrugging off their behaviors as humorous or insignificant. Yet, the constant tension they create—and the way their harmful activities tend to build over time—not only damages the individual targets of their behavior but also the workgroup as a whole. That’s why you need to bring bullying out into the open. So you can deal with it directly and put an end to it
"Bringing it out into the open" doesn't work in an organization where management/supervisors close ranks whenever somebody tries to complain and whichever party in some dispute is higher ranking is the one who's always found to be "right". There are a lot of organizations where this happens. If you're a supervisor who's buddies with your own supervisor, then you can get away with a lot.
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