Thursday, December 7, 2023

Repost: Don’t Masculinize the Letter of Recommendation: Towards a Truly Gender-Brave Science Community

Eds note: We are in the midst of letter-writing season - for our students hoping to land a summer research or post-doc position; for our seniors hoping to go to graduate school or enter the workforce; for colleagues hoping to land a faculty or staff position; for colleagues who are deserving of honors and awards; and for others who have asked you to write them a letter. The editors of Women in Astronomy thought it would be a good ideas to re-post a gem from 2015. 
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A guest blog post by Andy Elby and Ayush Gupta, both at the University of Maryland at the time of the post, offers advice on how to write letters of recommendation to advance a truly gender-brave science community. Their perspectives on current and proposed practices serve as good reminders for all of us to check our biases.

Read - or re-read - the post at

Other resources:
Give women an even chance by Marcia McNutt
Inclusive and Gender-Neutral Language, National Institutes of Health Style Guide

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