The CSWA has organized two events at the upcoming AAS Meeting in Denver.
The first, "CSWA Priorities in the 2020's" invites attendees to determine the committee's priorities into the next decade. This meeting will build on the input collected from those in attendance at the special session and the Meet and Greet at AAS 231 in January 2018. A CSWA survey will soon be active, on which to rate the issues that the community finds important to address and to suggest additional issues, results of which will be open for discussion. The meeting is on Monday, June 4, from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in Plaza Court 3. Please participate! It's an opportunity open to everyone who is interested.
The first, "CSWA Priorities in the 2020's" invites attendees to determine the committee's priorities into the next decade. This meeting will build on the input collected from those in attendance at the special session and the Meet and Greet at AAS 231 in January 2018. A CSWA survey will soon be active, on which to rate the issues that the community finds important to address and to suggest additional issues, results of which will be open for discussion. The meeting is on Monday, June 4, from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in Plaza Court 3. Please participate! It's an opportunity open to everyone who is interested.
The second meeting, "Drafting 'State of the Profession' White Papers", is an outgrowth of Monday's meeting. Here, participants will organize themselves into writing committees and teams, making an outline, and making a plan for writing for white paper ideas that came out of the earlier meeting. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 5, from 6:00pm–7:30pm, in Plaza Court 3. Please participate! It's an opportunity open to everyone who is interested.
The CSWA also supports the session, "Decadal Survey Preparations: State of the Profession", in which leaders of several advisory efforts will present their activities to the larger community, build collaborations on topics of interest, and solicit additional signatories to their efforts. Among these projects are white papers that resulted from the Women in Astronomy IV meeting in June 2018. This meeting will be on Wednesday, June 6, from 10:40 AM - 12:10 PM, in Governor's Square 10.
Please feel free to submit any comments in the comment boxes below; we look forward to seeing you in Denver!
Please feel free to submit any comments in the comment boxes below; we look forward to seeing you in Denver!