The AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy maintains this blog to disseminate information relevant to astronomers who identify as women and share the perspectives of astronomers from varied backgrounds. If you have an idea for a blog post or topic, please submit a short pitch (less than 300 words). The views expressed on this site are not necessarily the views of the CSWA, the AAS, its Board of Trustees, or its membership.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Women in Leadership: Influence
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Perspective: Communication in the Workplace
"At 37, I don’t think I am the only woman around my age who hashtagged #MeToo reluctantly, not because we do not all have mental ledgers full of things that angered and shamed us but because the expectation to brush and laugh off such things is so deeply ingrained that acknowledging the pain they caused somehow seems a failure."
This article certainly resonated with me, and I suspect will resonate with others. Something to consider as we work to move forward to a more diverse and inclusive community. For the entire article, please go to:
You may need to click past an advertisement to access the article itself.
Friday, November 17, 2017
AASWomen Newsletter for November 17, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Meet the CSWA: Maria Patterson
Friday, November 10, 2017
AASWomen Newsletter for November 10, 2017
Issue of November 10, 2017
eds: Nicolle Zellner, Heather Flewelling, Cristina Thomas, and Maria Patterson
This week's issues:
1. Meet the CSWA: Angela Speck
2. CUWiP: Building a Community for Women in Physics
3. Dr. Wanda Diaz Merced featured on BBC's 100 Women
4. Why Girls Leave STEM - And What You Can Do About It
6. Marie Curie's 150th Birthday
7. One More Pioneering Woman in Science You've Probably Never Heard of
8. Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics astrophysics programs 2019
9. How to Submit to the AASWomen Newsletter
10. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWomen Newsletter
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Meet the CSWA: Angela Speck
Friday, November 3, 2017
AASWomen Newsletter for November 03, 2017
Issue of November 03, 2017
eds: Nicolle Zellner, Heather Flewelling, Cristina Thomas, and Maria Patterson
This week's issues:
1. Cross-Post: American Physical Society Fellers
2. Confronting Sexual Harassment in Science
3. To see more women in science, deal with test-taking anxiety in girls
4. The Problem With "The Pipeline"
5. University systems allow sexual harassers to thrive
6. Salaries for female physics faculty trail those for male colleagues
7. Blue Waters Graduate Fellowship
9. How to Submit to the AASWomen Newsletter
10. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWomen Newsletter