Issue of March 13, 2020
eds: JoEllen McBride, Nicolle Zellner, Heather Flewelling, Maria Patterson, and Alessandra Aloisi

Mary Golda Ross, from Item 3.
Image credit: SWE Photograph Collection,
Walter P. Reuther Library
1. Two-Body Problem Series: Priorities Change
2. Nominate your colleagues for DPS Prizes!
3. Honoring the women who helped humans go to space
4. Research: To Reduce Gender Bias, Anonymize Job Applications
5. Elsevier global analysis on gender gap in research and innovation
6. An interesting Kickstarter project...
7. Astronomy's continuing harassment problem
8. These 10 National Parks Wouldn't Exist Without Women
9. Women with career gaps are being tapped for talent pool
10. How to Submit to the AASWomen Newsletter
11. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWomen Newsletter
12. Access to Past Issues of the AASWomen Newsletter
1. Two-Body Problem Series: Priorities Change
From: JoEllen McBride via
This entry in the two-body problem series is an account of one person's experience navigating the academic track with their partner. For context, the people in the relationship are cisgender and heterosexual. If you would like to contribute your own story to this series, please contact us at wia-blog at
A few months ago I spoke with Kim-Vy Tran, a professor of astrophysics at New South Wales University, about her experiences with the 2-body problem. She agreed to have our conversation posted on the blog. It has been edited for clarity and to remove our discussions on being a cat mom. We can share that in a later post (only kidding).
Back to top.2. Nominate your colleagues for DPS Prizes!
From: Julie Rathbun []
All DPS members are strongly encouraged to submit prize nominations (due April 1)! The community relies on YOU to submit nominations - please don't expect that others will take care of this important task. While nominators must be DPS members, we encourage members from all career stages and areas of expertise to nominate colleagues. We would like to have a large, diverse pool of nominees for each prize!
For more information, please visit
Please share widely with your other groups.
Back to top.3. Honoring the women who helped humans go to space
From: JoEllen McBride []
By PosSci Staff
"Stars you may not have heard of in the hallowed history of astrophysics."
Back to top.4. Research: To Reduce Gender Bias, Anonymize Job Applications
From: JoEllen McBride []
By Stefanie K. Johnson and Jessica F. Kirk
"Our recently published research confirms that anonymizing can mitigate gender bias in the review of scientific research applications. Specifically, we found that when indications of candidate' gender (such as their first name) were removed from applications for time on the Hubble Space Telescope, women were selected at a higher rate than when their gender was obvious."
Read more [may be paywall restricted access - Ed. note] at
Back to top.5. Elsevier global analysis on gender gap in research and innovation
From: Pat Knezek []
A recent global analysis done by Elsevier shows that the gender gap has narrowed in research and innovation, but inequality persists.
Back to top.6. An interesting Kickstarter project...
From: Kevin Marvel []
"Great women on the moon poster - Only a few women have their names on the moon. Who are they? and where are these names?"
Back to top.7. Astronomy's continuing harassment problem
From: JoEllen McBride []
Axios features a summary of where we are on harassment in astronomy, including a quote from CSWA co-chair Nicolle Zellner!
Back to top.8. These 10 National Parks Wouldn't Exist Without Women
From: Matthew Greenhouse []
"Women were the driving force behind the creation of many of our most popular national parks, yet few today are household names. Time to give credit where credit is due. From Joshua Tree to Great Sand Dunes, these national park sites simply wouldn’t exist as we know them today without the tireless efforts of dedicated women. Learn about the unsung heroes who made it happen."
Back to top.9. Women with career gaps are being tapped for talent pool
From: JoEllen McBride []
Returnships provide a path for people who left a field to return. Maybe this is something the CSWA could consider as a recommendation to encourage more women to re-enter the field?
Back to top.10. How to Submit to the AASWOMEN newsletter
To submit an item to the AASWOMEN newsletter, including replies to topics, send email to
All material will be posted unless you tell us otherwise, including your email address.
When submitting a job posting for inclusion in the newsletter, please include a one-line description and a link to the full job posting.
Please remember to replace "_at_" in the e-mail address above.
Back to top.11. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWOMEN newsletter
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Back to top.12. Access to Past Issues
Each annual summary includes an index of topics covered.
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