Today’s suggestion: Guest blog for the
Women in Astronomy Blogspot.

Because this large group spans career stages from graduate student to full professor and includes astronomers who have moved to careers outside academia, the blog effectively addresses concerns and provides relevant resources and advice across career stages. Topics discussed this past year included mentoring advice, role models, evolution in workplace culture/climate, work-life balance, family leave policies, job/career advice, unconscious bias, impostor syndrome, stereotype threat, bullying, sexual harassment policies, and more. The blog is linked to share entries on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
casual readers of the blog could not help but notice the excellent posts we get
from guest bloggers. Many of these people simply volunteered after we published
a request for guest bloggers in the AASWOMEN Newsletter. If you have a topic
you would like to write about, send it to me at the address below. We ask for a
draft ~10 days ahead of the deadline so we can read it over and make
suggestions. We would also need a short bio (3 or 4 sentences) that will
introduce our readers to you.
Schmelz []
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