Issue of August 28, 2020
eds: Heather Flewelling, Nicolle Zellner, Maria Patterson, Alessandra
Aloisi, and Jeremy Bailin
[We hope you all are taking care of yourselves and each other. Be well! --eds.]
This week's issues:
1. Meet Your CSWA, James Keane
2. National Academies Press Resources to Support the Participation and Advancement of Women in STEMM
3. Study reveals gender bias in bird song research and impact of women on science
4. If you want more women in your workforce, here’s how to recruit
5. A Fermi Spirograph and Women's Equality Day
6. Women in Science Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon Helps Close Gaps in Women’s History
8. How to Submit to the AASWomen Newsletter
9. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWomen Newsletter