Friday, December 16, 2016

AASWomen Newsletter for December 16, 2016

AAS Committee on the Status of Women
Issue of December 16, 2016
eds: Nicolle Zellner, Heather Flewelling, Cristina Thomas, and Maria Patterson

This week's issues:

From: Jessica Mink via

When people think about the integration of transgender people into an academic environment, they tend to stop at the use of public facilities. That is the focus of people and groups who are in fact opposed to our identities and in the end, by denying us access, to our very existence. But we need other kinds of support. In my September Women In Astronomy post, I asked readers to help the American Astronomical Society Committee on Sexual orientation and Gender identity Minorities in Astronomy (SGMA) assess institutional gender identity and expression policies in their institutions. In one of the responses to a Facebook post of it, I learned that Campus Pride had conducted a much larger survey, though I found that it did not differentiate between identity and expression. It provides links to anti-discrimination policies at 998 institutions of higher education which include at least one, usually gender identity, but I don't have the time to ferret out specific wording from all of these. We also wanted to include some of the other institutions which employ astronomers in our survey, and a few of those came in.

Read more at:

From: Sarah Tuttle via

Well, it has been quite a year.

Semesters and quarters are winding down around the globe. Students and teachers alike are stumbling towards a tired finish line, and we have all settled into the short days that tell our brains and bodies that maybe now would be a great time to hunker down for a break.

Read more at:

From: Nicolle Zellner []

Mary Mulvihill, an Irish science author and broadcaster who "had a strong interest in the role of women in science and the theme of women’s contributions", is the namesake of an award to recognize young science writers. In addition to founding a decades-long forum for networking, Women in Technology and Science (Wits Ireland), Mulvihill edited two collections of biographies of women scientists and pioneers: Stars, Shells and Bluebells and Lab Coats and Lace. The award is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in an Irish higher education institution.

Find out more at

From: Alexander Rudolph []

By Jamie J. Hagen

“The academic job market is bleak, as most certainly all of you reading this are well aware. Over the summer, Gawker gathered some personal stories to highlight just how bad things are out there. One adjunct wrote about how they work at Starbucks to make ends meet, while another realized the janitor at their institution makes more than they do.

This conversation in popular media reveals how out of touch those with tenure often are regarding the future of their students in the academy.”

Read more at:

From: Nicolle Zellner []

Applications for the 2017-2018 Graduate Women in Science Fellowships are now being accepted. Funds can be used to support research expenses, including travel and publication costs, but not salary or childcare. The deadline is January 13, 2017.

To find out more, including how to apply, please go to

From: Regina Jorgenson []

Recent construction of utility poles near the Maria Mitchell Association’s Loines Observatory has impacted the view of the night sky from the observatory. The Maria Mitchell Association is working to preserve their clear view of the sky.

For more information:


For those interested in increasing excellence and diversity in their organizations, a list of resources and advice is here:

-Postdoctoral Research Position, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD

-Assistant Professor in Physics, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA

-Astronomer (Program Director), National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA

-Temporary Program Director, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA

-Division Director, Division of Astronomical Sciences, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA

-Astronomer (ESMU Program Director), National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA


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Each annual summary includes an index of topics covered.

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