Issue of February 21, 2025
eds: Jeremy Bailin, Sethanne Howard, Ferah Munshi, Stella Kafka, and Ben Keller
[We hope you all are taking care of yourselves and each other. --eds.]
This week's issues:
1. Take Action Now to Support Astronomical Science Programs
2. Space for Students - Part 5: Ellesse Lynum-Lozano
3. How Noether’s Theorem Revolutionized Physics
4. Women need platforms to celebrate excellence in research and technology
5. “If she can see it, she can be it”: How Hollywood shapes women in STEM
6. Executive Branch's purge is hitting NASA space scientists hard
7. How to Submit to the AASWOMEN newsletter
8. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWOMEN newsletter
9. Access to Past Issues
An online version of this newsletter will be available at at 3:00 PM ET every Friday.
Over the last several weeks, we have seen significant threats to funding and agency programs that are essential to the astronomical sciences. We need your voice to urge Congress to support robust, uninterrupted funding to enable world-leading science through NASA, NSF, and the DOE Office of Science. Every voice counts.
We need to act now to protect our scientific agencies from severe budget cuts and the cessation of critical programs. Read more at:
In our popular Career Profile series, the AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy has compiled dozens of interviews highlighting the diversity of career trajectories available to astronomers, planetary scientists, and those in related fields. In this edition, Libby Fenstermacher presents an interview with Ellesse Lynum-Lozano, a senior undergraduate student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Campus, as of Fall 2024.
Read more at:
In the fall of 1915, the foundations of physics began to crack. Einstein’s new theory of gravity seemed to imply that it should be possible to create and destroy energy, a result that threatened to upend two centuries of thinking in physics. One problem with this shifting space-time is that as it stretches and shrinks, the density of the energy inside it changes. As a consequence, the classical energy conservation law that previously described all of physics didn’t fit this framework. David Hilbert, one of the most prominent mathematicians at the time, quickly identified this issue and set out with his colleague Felix Klein to try to resolve this apparent failure of relativity. After they were stumped, Hilbert passed the problem on to his assistant, the 33-year-old Emmy Noether.
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Last week, three outstanding researchers were recognized with prizes to advance their work by the inaugural Sony Women in Technology Award with Nature. Each won US$250,000 to support and accelerate their technology-focused research.
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Hollywood has long influenced what we wear, how we speak, and even what careers we pursue.
For Dr. Valerie Weiss, a film and TV director with a Ph.D. in biophysics from Harvard Medical School, the power of media to inspire future generations — especially women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) — is personal.
Read more at:
In the corridors of NASA buildings across the United States, Pride flags and pictures celebrating women in science are being taken down. Scientists are adding space-mission stickers to their laptops to cover ones that displayed rainbows and other symbols of support. Employees are stripping pronouns from their e-mail signatures and holding darkly humorous conversations in which they try to avoid saying any pronouns at all.
Read more at:
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