Monday, February 27, 2023

Cross-post: Women and Girls in Astronomy project

 By Suzana Filipecki Martins

From 11 February to 8 March 2023, the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) will hold a series of activities to celebrate Women and Girls in Astronomy. This annual project recognises the role of all women in advancing science and encourages youth on and off the gender spectrum to consider careers in the field. 


The OAO invites you to join the Women and Girls in Astronomy IAU Outreach Global Project andbring awareness to the importance of gender inclusivity in astronomy. Please answer a few questions via this form: who they are, their career, their passions, what it means to be an astronomer, and why they support gender inclusion in astronomy. Your profile will be featured on OAO’s social media channels and newsletter as a way to encourage youth across the gender spectrum to consider careers in astronomy. 


There are also other ways to get involved: 


Host a gender-inclusive astronomy outreach event. 

It can be a special edition of Meet the IAU Astronomers!, a gender-inclusive stargazing night, and much more! Event organisers are encouraged to register their events in the Astronomy Outreach Event Calendar. Events will be shared on OAO's social media channels. 


Invite children and teens to join the Discover an Astronomer Poster Contest

Children and teens from age of 12 to 18 are invited to participate in the Discover an Astronomer Poster Contest. The competition aims to highlight the profile of astronomers from around the world. The best posters or videos will win a BRESSER NANO AR-70/700 AZ telescope, courtesy Sterren Schitteren Voor Iedereen (Stars Shine For Everyone - SSVI), University Ghent - Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Leiden University, and BRESSER. More information on how to participate here.


Finally, follow the OAO's Twitter and Facebook to learn more about astronomers around the world, gender-inclusive activities and projects, share resources, events and more! And don’t forget to join the conversation by using the hashtags #WomenInAstronomy and #WomenInSTEM.


And a small note:

The OAO would like to thank the IAU Executive Committee Working Groups Women in Astronomy and on Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion for their support and guidance on the Women and Girls in Astronomy Outreach Global Project.


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