Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What can your CSWA do for you??

Members of 500 Women Scientists pass Trump International Hotel
on Pennsylvania Ave in D.C. (Robinson Meyer / The Atlantic)
This is a week of calls to action. If you have not taken action to advocate for science, to advocate for women, to advocate for people of color, to advocate for LGBTQIA people, to advocate for astronomers with disabilities, to safeguard the standing of the United States in the World, to protect your children's future... it's time you get it together. It's time you advocate for yourself. It's time to ask us to advocate for you.

I am writing to ask how the CSWA can serve you in this new year. In the same vein as Jessica's post on Monday, I request your direct comments**, your input, on how the CSWA can advocate for you, what action we should take, what action we have not yet taken that might benefit you. We are a resource to the astronomical community, to women in this community, and we hope to become a better resource to minoritized astronomers in the coming years.

Last year, I worked hard with the AAS Governance Task Force to bring better governance to our society. The AAS Council approved our recommendations at the AAS meeting in January this year (awesome!). We'll all hear more about this in the next few months as new bylaws are drafted. Stay tuned and please participate in the process, i.e., VOTE!

In my last few months on this committee, I want to focus my formidable energy and the mandate of the CSWA on you, on your needs. Please email our committee, comment here**, FB comment, etc., and let's talk candidly about what we can do, how we can support one another, and how to move forward. Let's get organized, get active, and make an impact -- at the very least, let's use our bodies and our incredible intellectual and political capital to stem the anti-science and anti-woman tide we all see coming.

** Subject to our usual WiA "house rules" for decorum:

1. No overtly sexist/racist/ableist comments
2. Civil discourse (even around tense/controversial issues)
3. No personal attacks or threats
4. No foul or inappropriate language or innuendo
5. Comments must be relevant to the post
6. No advertisements or other promotional materials (web links, etc.) 

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