Friday, November 30, 2012

AASWomen for November 30th, 2012

AAS Committee on the Status of Women
Issue of November 30, 2012
eds. Caroline Simpson, Michele Montgomery, Daryl Haggard, and Nick Murphy

This week's issues:

1. Women in War and Peace

2. Nature’s Sexism

3. Gender, Generations, and Faculty Conflict

4. Latent, Stereotypical Thinking

5. The Disruptive Effects of Gender Equality

6. Where are the women astronomy professors?

7. Three New Reports on the Gender Wage Gap

8. 2013 Professional Skills Development Workshops for Women Physicists

9. APS Speakers List Featuring Women and Minorities

10. SDE/GWIS National Fellowships Program

11. Job Opportunities

12. How to Submit to the AASWomen Newsletter

13. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWomen Newsletter

14. Access to Past Issues of the AASWomen Newsletter

1. Women in War and Peace
From: Joannah Hinz []

[This is a teaser for a book review that will appear in the Jan 2013 issue of STATUS, the semiannual magazine of CSWA. - Eds.]

Stay in the kitchen and attend to the "humble, homey tasks to which every woman has devoted herself"? or head into the very heart of the world's greatest dangers? The choice for some women was clear. Returning STATUS contributor, Gerrit Verschuur, offers his insights on two contrasting books, both focusing on the achievements of women during World War II. Battling politicians on the home-front and enemies abroad, these astonishingly brave agents, nurses, pilots, welders and more contributed enormous efforts that, despite being under appreciated thereafter, played a significant role in the outcome of the war. Many suffered gruesome conditions attending to the injured on the frontlines or risked capture and torture carrying out resistance efforts through sabotage, transporting coded messages, and parachuting straight into enemy territory. Read the details of their inspiring stories, and the accompanying societal implications, in the upcoming issue of STATUS.

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2. Nature’s Sexism
From: Daryl Haggard []

[An article in Nature last week highlights the disproportionately small number of women featured in certain sections of the magazine, despite strong representation of women in its editorial ranks. - Eds.]

Earlier this year, we published a Correspondence that rightly took Nature to task for publishing too few female authors in our News and Views section (D. Conley and J. Stadmark Nature 488, 590; 2012). Specifically, in the period 2010–11, the proportions of women News and Views authors in life, physical and Earth sciences were 17%, 8% and 4%, respectively.

To read more, please see

Also see the related blog post, "Why female scientists don’t blog, but should"

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3. Gender, Generations, and Faculty Conflict
From: Michele M. Montgomery []

[An interesting reflection by Caroline Walker Bynum from the Chronicle of Higher Education. - Eds.]

Will academe's mothers and daughters repeat the errors of its fathers and sons?

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4. Latent, Stereotypical Thinking
From: Joan T. Schmelz via

I got an e-mail from a local high school teacher that I thought I would share with you. Have you gotten one of these recently? If so, what did you decide do?

Hello Mr. Schmelz,


To read more, please see

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5. The Disruptive Effects of Gender Equality
From: Ed Bertschinger via

Last week's blog entry from John Johnson [see below] and the responses to it summarized well the cultural divide between those departments which celebrate diversity and the others. Both sides are represented even within one department like my own, which combines physics and astronomy. (Note that the diversity advocates are not preferentially astronomers, although some subfields of physics appear to be distinctly less female-friendly than others.) What determines whether a department with diverse perspectives describes itself as "defender of excellence" or "champion of success"?

To read more, please see

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6. Where are the women astronomy professors?
From: Joan Schmelz via

[Guest-post by John Johnson, professor of Astronomy in the Caltech Department of Astrophysics. His research is on the detection and characterization of exoplanets. This post is a re-post from his blog.]

I'm going to start off this first post on this topic with a simple axiomatic statement: Women and men are equally capable of being successful astronomers. There is no inherent difference in mental capacity, creativity, ability to learn, or any other factor that plays into the success of an astronomer.

To read more, please see

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7. Three New Reports on the Gender Wage Gap
From: AWIS in Action!, November 2012

[Below is an excerpt from the Associate for Women in Science's The Maddening Monthly Mention (M^3), which quotes several interesting recent studies on the wage gap for women. -Eds.]

Two new studies came out which counter two of the biggest arguments about why there is a gender wage gap and nobody should do anything about it. The first argument claims that women make different choices in terms of careers and childbearing and that is why there is a wage gap. However, a study just released by AAUW, "Graduating to a Pay Gap",

shows that when salaries are compared between men and women exactly one year after college graduation who graduated with degrees in the same field, women still earn less than men. Among teachers, women earned 11% less than men. In business, women earned 86% of what men made, and in sales women earned 77% of a man’s salary. Then there's the College Board's "One Year Out!",

Throw in repayment of student loans and it becomes an even uglier story as they earn less, thus pay it back at a slower rate, and thus accumulate more interest and more debt.

Contrary to the usual argument that women fail to negotiate for raises, the opposite is true, according to a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research:

The study showed that when there is an explicit opportunity to negotiate women do so, and haggle even more than men.

Read the full posting at

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8. 2013 Professional Skills Development Workshops for Women Physicists
From: WIPHYS Posting for Nov 16, 2012

The American Physical Society, with support from NSF, will host two Professional Skills Development Workshops in 2013 for female physicists. Postdoctoral associates and early-career faculty and scientists are invited to apply for the March 17, 2013 workshop in Baltimore, MD. Postdoctoral associates and senior-level faculty and scientists* are invited to apply for the April 12, 2013 workshop in Denver, CO. Senior graduate students, recent graduates, and physicists in-between careers are also welcome to apply.

*The senior-level workshop will focus entirely on leadership. This is the first time this session has been offered, so previous workshop attendees are welcome to apply to take advantage of this new session!

More information is available here

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9. APS Speakers List Featuring Women and Minorities
From: WIPHYS Posting for Nov 20, 2012

Planning a colloquium series and want to include a minority or female speaker? Check out the APS Speakers List! The list contain names, contact information, and talk titles of physicists who are willing to give talks on a variety of subjects. Check it out here

And don’t forget that travel grants are available for institutions inviting women and minority speakers. Find more information about the grants here

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10. SDE/GWIS National Fellowships Program

The SDE/GWIS National Fellowships Program is proud to offer fellowships in 2013 to help increase knowledge in the fundamental sciences and to encourage research careers in the sciences by women. This year’s application deadline is January 15, 2013 with awards being announced on or before July 1, 2012 for funding in the 2013-2014 academic year.

Apply by January 15, 2013; more information available here

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11. Job Opportunities

For those interested in increasing excellence and diversity in their organizations, a list of resources and advice is here:

* Rosalind Franklin Faculty Fellowships, University of Groningen

NOTE: To promote the participation of women in Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences the University of Groningen (deadline: Dec. 1).

* Tenure-track Position in Extragalactic Astrophysics, University of Alabama

* Tenure-track and/or Tenured Faculty Position, Department of Astronomy/Steward Observatory, University of Arizona

* Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Astronomy/Astrophysics, Wheaton College, Massachusetts

* Two-year Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics Position at Kenyon College

* Astronomy Lab Manager, Florida International University

* Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Positions

-- CTIO/NOAO Associate Director for NOAO South (Job #12-0147), La Serena, Chile -- NSO Solar Astronomer (Job #12-0175), Tucson, AZ -- NSO/KPNO Senior Instrument/Observing Associate (Job #12-0158), Kitt Peak, AZ -- NOAO/KPNO Observing Assistant (Job #12-0161), Kitt Peak, AZ -- NSO Scientific Programmer (Job #12-0156) Tucson, AZ

* Faculty Positions in Interdisciplinary Science/Science Education Research, Virginia Tech

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12. How to Submit to the AASWOMEN newsletter

To submit an item to the AASWOMEN newsletter, including replies to topics, send email to

All material will be posted unless you tell us otherwise, including your email address.

When submitting a job posting for inclusion in the newsletter, please include a one-line description and a link to the full job posting.

Please remember to replace "_at_" in the e-mail address above.

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13. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWOMEN newsletter

Join AAS Women List by email:

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Be sure to follow the instructions in the confirmation email. (Just reply back to the email list)

To unsubscribe by email:

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To join or leave AASWomen via web, or change your membership settings:

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14. Access to Past Issues

Each annual summary includes an index of topics covered.


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