Thursday, November 19, 2009

AASWomen Newsletter 11/13/09

AAS Committee on the Status of Women
Issue of November 13, 2009
eds. Joan Schmelz, Caroline Simpson & Michele Montgomery

This week's issues:

1. Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) Strategic Plan

2. What Can You Negotiate in Your Job Offer?

3. Success is in Her DNA

4. A Night to Remember

5. Creating a Climate for Cutting-Edge Research

6. Conversion to Tenure

7. Knowles Science Teaching Foundation 2010 Teaching Fellowships

8. AAO Research Astronomer Appointment(s)


9. Program Director, Division of Astronomical Sciences, National Science Foundation

10. How to Submit, Subscribe, or Unsubscribe to AASWOMEN

11. Access to Past Issues of AASWOMEN

1. Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) Strategic Plan
From: CSWA []

The charge, mission statement, objectives, value statement, assets, and weaknesses, key issues, goals, strategies, and action steps have recently been generated in a Strategic Plan of the CSWA. Among the assets of CSWA are this newsletter which reaches over 10% of the AAS membership (and to all our readers, thank you!), the STATUS news letter, our web page, facebook page, and our blog. Among the key issues to be considered by CSWA include promote a balanced working environment, reduce unconscious bias, increase visibility of senior women through e.g., awards and prizes, increase funding opportunities to re-enter the workforce, among others. To see the entire list, please see the Strategic Plan 2009 under Publications at

Did we miss an issue? We encourage your feedback! Please respond to the above email.

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2. What Can You Negotiate in Your Job Offer?
From: Michele M. Montgomery []

[We continue to summarize the major outcomes from the Women in Astronomy III conference held at the University of Maryland October 21-23, 2009 - Eds.]

From the WIA III professional skills workshop, a list of negotiation options was developed by Jane Tucker and Associates in their presentation on "Coaching in the Art of Strategic Negotiations." Some of the list is as follows:

  • appointment title(s)
  • start date
  • start salary
  • living expenses
  • housing relocation
  • benefits
  • child care
  • tuition benefits for children
  • spousal job opportunities
  • travel budget
  • facilities/space
  • office furniture and computers
  • parking fees
  • service expectations

What else can you think of? What about non-tenure to tenure status conversion time frame? What should women ask for in the negotiation of any job in any field related to astronomy? We would like to hear your thoughts! Please email them to and please let us know if we can give you credit for your contribution in the next newsletter or blog.

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3. Success is in Her DNA
From: Donald Kniffen []

I mentioned this article to Joan [Schmelz] who suggested it might be a good one to post on our web site, but unfortunately the [Washington] Post makes that almost impossible without the ads which are a turn off. But if you follow the link to the story you will get the idea why this is such a great story for women. But is also highlights some of the issues they encounter as we have discussed. [Here is the article:]

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4. A Night to Remember
WIPHYS November 9

The November CERN Courier has an article on pp. 19-21 that Hildred Blewitt wrote for the CERN Courier in 1969. Its title is A Night to Remember

(Thank you to Bernice Duran, University of Wisconsin, past CSWP member for sharing this article). Hildred Blewett's generous bequest to the American Physical Society provides scholarships to women returning to a career in physics after an absence. Details at

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5. Creating a Climate for Cutting-Edge Research
From: WIPHYS, November 9

Katharine Gebbie has built a world-class physics laboratory, fostering creativity and risk-taking that has led to cutting-edge scientific discoveries. Read about her and the climate she generates at

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6. Conversion to Tenure
Michele M. Montgomery []

Recently, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) subcommittee of the Committee on Contingent Faculty and the Profession prepared a report on the Conversion of Appointments to the Tenure Track (2009). The report addresses the collapsing faculty infrastructure and suggestions to stabilize the faculty including the conversion of tenure. The cite that the last four decades has seen a failure of the social contract in faculty employment and the one-reliable regime of professional peer scrutiny in hiring, evaluation, and promotion has all but collapsed. Statistics include more than 2/3 of faculty work outside the tenure stream and for poor wages. To read more on this timely topic, please see

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7. Knowles Science Teaching Foundation 2010 Teaching Fellowships
From: Michele M. Montgomery []

Do you know of anyone who has a desire (or hidden desire) to teach high school science or math? Applications are now being accepted for one of the most generous and comprehensive teaching fellowships available for individuals committed to becoming professional high school science or mathematics teachers. KSTF Teaching Fellowships provide up to five years of financial and professional support to exceptional individuals as they begin their careers teaching in U.S. high schools.

Applicants should have at least a bachelor's degree in science, engineering or mathematics and should have received their most recent content degree within the past five years (individuals currently enrolled in a secondary math or science teaching credential program are eligible if they are within five years of their most recent content degree and have not completed their teaching credential before December 2009.) Fellowships will be awarded in physical science (among others). More information on the Fellowship benefits can be found at

For more information, contact

Deadline: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 5:00pm EST

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8. AAO Research Astronomer Appointment(s)
From: Rohit Deshpande []

The Anglo-Australian Observatory is currently advertising for an AAO Research Astronomer (5 year appointment) and an AAO Research Fellow (3 year appointment) within the Astronomy Workgroup:

The closing date for applications to both positions is Friday 11 Dec 2009.

Details of the roles and responsibilities of the positions, as well as the application procedure, can be found on the above web page.

The Observatory comprises the 3.9-metre Anglo-Australian Telescope and the 1.2-metre UK Schmidt Telescope near Coonabarabran, NSW, and a laboratory in Epping, about 20km from the centre of Sydney. The AAO is a vibrant and diverse centre of research, with a scientific staff of 12 highly active and productive astronomers, as well as hosting the Australian Gemini Office. Regular interaction with universities, and a twice-yearly Vacation Student program for undergraduates, also provides excellent student supervision opportunities.

Any questions about the positions can be directed to the Head of AAT Science ( and about the application procedure to Suzanne Tritton (

The Anglo-Australian Observatory supports flexible working arrangements, including part-time positions where appropriate, and is an equal opportunity employer.

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9. Program Director, Division of Astronomical Sciences, National
Science Foundation
From: WIPHYS, November 9

The National Science Foundation is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Program Director in the Division of Astronomical Sciences (AST), Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Arlington, VA. The candidate selected for this position will have responsibility in one or more of the following areas: coordination of the merit review of proposals, coordination and management of grants programs and projects involving instrumentation and technology development, review and administration of projects involving the design and development of future facility-class instruments or observing capabilities.

The candidate will be involved in activities that include planning, budget development, the merit review and proposal recommendation process, the preparation of written material about the research supported by the Division, and interactions with other NSF programs, Federal agencies and organizations. Program directors are expected to bring their scientific expertise to the activities of the Division, and to serve as a liaison between the astronomical community and NSF, disseminating information about NSF and Division activities and opportunities.

There are opportunities to participate in Foundation or Directorate-wide activities in areas of education, facilities management, strategic planning and program development. Candidates are expected to work with the astronomical research and education community to broaden the diversity of participants in NSF programs. All areas of astronomical expertise will be considered.

The position will be filled on a temporary basis beginning immediately. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent experience in astronomy, astrophysics, or a closely related field, plus six or more years of successful research, research administration, and/or managerial experience beyond the Ph.D.

Individuals interested in applying for this vacancy should submit their materials to announcement E20090115. The position requirements and application procedures are located on the USAJOBS web site. Link:

Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, names of three references, and a statement of research interests to the

National Science Foundation Division of Human Resources Management 4201 Wilson, Blvd. Arlington, VA 22230

Telephone inquiries may be referred to

Lindsey Boswell 703-292-4350

For technical information, contact

Dr. Craig B. Foltz AST Division Director 703-292-4909

(Hearing impaired individuals may call TDD 703-292-8044).

NSF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The National Science Foundation provides reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities on a case-by-case basis. If you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application and hiring process, please notify the point of contact listed on this vacancy announcement.

QUALITY RANKING FACTORS: 1) Knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and theories applicable to astronomy, astrophysics, and physics which have resulted in recognized status in the community of astronomical scientists. 2)Ability to communicate effectively and work productively with the scientific community, peers, and co-workers at all levels to advocate program policies and plans and to fulfill NSF's mission. 3)Ability to organize, implement and manage a proposal-driven grant program, allocating resources to meet a spectrum of goals, including insuring integrity and consistency in the grant award/declination management process. 4)Knowledge of management and organizational concepts, principles, practices and techniques with expertise in large project management and/or research administration.

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10. How to Submit, Subscribe, or Unsubscribe to AASWOMEN

[Please remember to replace "" in the below e-mail addresses.]

To submit to AASWOMEN: send email to All material sent to that address will be posted unless you tell us otherwise (including your email address).

To subscribe or unsubscribe to AASWOMEN go to

and fill out the form.

If you experience any problems, please email

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11. Access to Past Issues of AASWOMEN

Past issues of AASWOMEN are available at

Each annual summary includes an index of topics covered.

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