Thursday, May 23, 2024

Seeking CSWA Members!

The Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) is seeking new members! We are a committee of like-minded people, promoting the committee's mission to build an inclusive and self-sustaining community that supports gender equity and the success of women* in astronomy.

In the past few years, we've worked hard, using input from the greater Astronomy community, to create a Strategic Plan for the 2020s, which includes projects that aim to address Harassment and Bullying, Creating Inclusive Environments for an Ethical Workplace, Professional Development, and the committee's own Operations and Interactions.

Those Operations and Interactions include undertaking projects identified in the Strategic Plan, maintaining a collection of helpful resources, publishing the AASWomen newsletter, publishing a weekly blog, hosting workshops at AAS meetings, working with all of the AAS inclusion committees (CSMA, SGMA, and WGAD), and more!

Are you interested in being part of this team? Apply here! 

This committee still ain't like other women's committees, and we welcome applications from anyone interested in supporting the mission of the CSWA and its projects. The current members of the committee will review applications and make selections, paying attention to career stage, employment area, identity, and CSWA areas indicated to be of interest to the applicant. The application deadline is July 1, 2024.

CSWA logo

* The CSWA interprets “women” to mean people who identify as female, including trans women, genderqueer women, and nonbinary people who are significantly female-identified (1), and includes women with multiple, intersectional (2) identities, including race, ethnicity, class, disability, and more.

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