I saw an interesting article in BuzzFeed ** about a
published study on gender differences in physics and biology. The paper is titled "Gender
Segregation in Elite Academic Science" and is by sociologists E. Ecklund,
A. Lincoln and C. Tansey. The
article took a new approach in this field, not just quoting employment or student
statistics but surveying 2500 physicists at elite institutions for their
The survey asked scientists why they felt there is so much
more underrepresentation of women in physics than in biology. The survey was followed up by
interviews with 150 respondents.
There were significant differences in the views expressed by
men and women, but not between physicists and biologist. Men tended to not notice inequalities as
much. They also, on average,
viewed shortfalls in the advancement of women as due to shortcomings in their background
and not discrimination. Women, on
average, viewed discrimination as the primary reason for few women in
physics. They viewed the physics
culture as being more inherently discriminatory than that in biology.
It is instructive to see some quotes from the study:
“morphological differences and biological differences [make
men better at] hardcore math and physics.” — male assistant professor, genetics
“Physics is more difficult for girls and you need a lot of
thinking, and the calculation, and the logic. So that’s maybe hard for girls.”
— male grad student, physics
"Women have to make a choice [because] the woman ends
up being the primary caregiver if they have children.” — male postdoctoral
fellow, biology
“I think women ... want to have more of a sense that what
they are doing is helping somebody. ... Maybe there are more women in ...
biology [because] you can be like ‘Oh, I am going to go cure cancer.’” —
postdoctoral fellow, biology
“Male-dominated departments are really unpleasant for women.
[...] Men can be huge jerks in those situations.” — female associate professor,
“It’s not going to be solved until we figure out how to help
mothers figure out how to do the career and the kid thing.” — female associate
professor, physics
One of the conclusions in the studies is that "few men
in either discipline emphasized the present discrimination that women in
science may face (and that men in physics hold a much larger share of senior
faculty positions) suggests that discrimination is not being adequately
addressed in physics departments at top research universities."
** http://www.buzzfeed.com/annanorth/what-male-and-female-scientists-say-about-women-in
I read the same article and was disheartened not just by the quotes themselves but also by the selection of the quotes. With a good number of respondents the statistics show a real problem but the quotes are cherry-picked to hammer in the point of sexism. A key aspect of unconscious bias is application of unfair stereotypes and it's dangerous to only quote men who perpetuate the problem when there are many - the author included - who strongly promote true equality.