Friday, October 30, 2009

AASWOMEN for October 30, 2009

AAS Committee on the Status of Women
Issue of October 30, 2009
eds. Joan Schmelz, Caroline Simpson & Michele Montgomery

This week's issues:

1. What Can I Do? Inspirations from Women in Astronomy III

2. "Female-Friendly" Department/Organization/Institution

3. Ten Things Companies - and Women - Can Do To Get Ahead

4. Special Events for Women at APS Annual Meetings

5. Etta Z. Falconer Award for Mentoring and Commitment to Diversity

***The following position was taken from WIPHYS***

6. Assistant Professor of Space Sciences, Univ. of New Hampshire

7. How to Submit, Subscribe, or Unsubscribe to AASWOMEN

8. Access to Past Issues of AASWOMEN

1. What Can I Do? Inspirations from Women in Astronomy III
From: Joan Schmelz []

This suggestion is inspired by the comments of attendees of the "Women in Astronomy and Space Science" conference held Oct 21-23, 2009, College Park, MD.

Postdocs and graduate students are extremely busy and should be spending most of their time doing research. Many of them, however, would like to do something to promote women in astronomy and help create a female-friendly workplace, as long as it does not take too much of their valuable research time. Here is a suggestion, perhaps the first of several:

Get your department/company/organization to endorse the Pasadena Recommendations.

Start by going to the CSWA web site and printing out copies of the brochure:

Get your friends/colleagues/professors to discuss and debate the recommendations. Are you ready to endorse? Just follow the simple steps on the web site.

Note: these are *recommendations,* and it is not important that they are all currently followed/implemented at your department/company/organization. What is important is that the principles are supported. The very fact that you are discussing them is a sign of progress!

Help support women in astronomy, one step at a time!

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2. "Female-Friendly" Department/Organization/Institution
From: Joan Schmelz []

What Constitutes a "Female-Friendly" Department/Organization/Institution?

AASWOMEN wants to know what you think.

Is it all about numbers? If the percentage of women at all levels is typical, is that good enough, or is it only the first step?

How important are things like the family leave policy, nearby affordable childcare, flexible hours, and the option to stop the tenure (or equivalent for non-academic positions) clock?

If there are no senior women at the highest level, can a place really be female-friendly? What about role models and mentoring? How important are they?


Graduate enrollment in US astronomy departments has risen from 25% female in 1997 to 30% in 2006 (NSF-NIH Survey of Grad Students and Postdocs in S&E).

Percentage of Astronomy PhDs earned by women in the US has increased steadily from <20% in 1997 to almost 30% in 2006 (NSF Survey of Earned doctorates).

Percentage of women faculty at stand-alone astronomy departments in 2006 was 28% (assistant professors), 24 % (associate professors), and only 11% (full professors).

The good news: the Grad Student – Postdoc joint of the leaky pipeline does not appear to be leaking!

The not so good news: the faculty pipeline continues to leak.

Benchmark: If the percentage of women postdocs at your institution is significantly lower than 30%, then there may be a problem

Thanks to the members of the Astro2010 DEM study group for helping to point us toward useful statistical information.

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3. Ten Things Companies - and Women - Can Do To Get Ahead
From: Luisa Rebull []

A particularly appropriate article came out recently:

Ten Things Companies - and Women - Can Do To Get Ahead Lack of Gender Diversity in Executive Positions and Board Seats to the Detriment of Companies and Professional Women

Here is a quote from the article: "Research shows there is a strong correlation between how well top corporations develop and promote women leaders and how successful those corporations are in the marketplace."

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4. Special Events for Women at APS Annual Meetings
From: WIPHYS Oct 30, 2009

Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP) will sponsor (or co-sponsor) a variety of events of special interest to women in physics at the upcoming APS annual meetings in Washington, DC (February 13-16, 2010) and Portland, Oregon (March 15-19, 2010). Some of these events require pre-registration.

-Professional Skills Development Workshops for Women in Physics, Feb 12 and Mar 14

-CSWP/DPF Networking Luncheon, February 15

-CSWP/FIAP Networking Breakfast, March 16

We are pleased to be able to offer modest child care grants to assist meeting attendees who are bringing small children (or who incur extra expenses in leaving them at home). Details are given on the APS meetings websites under Services and Support.

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5. Etta Z. Falconer Award for Mentoring and Commitment to Diversity
From: Luisa Rebull []

The Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC) Steering Committee established the Etta Z. Falconer Award for Mentoring and Commitment to Diversity to recognize individuals who demonstrate a commitment to mentoring and diversity in the mathematical sciences. The award recipient receives a monetary prize, a commemorative plaque, and covered travel expenses to attend the 2010 IPC. Nominations are due Nov 20, 2009.

The award will be presented during the Infinite Possibilities Conference on March 20, 2010. IPAM is a co-sponsor of the conference, which will be held on the UCLA campus. For more information about Etta Falconer, award criteria, eligibility, and nomination procedures, go to:

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6. Assistant Professor of Space Sciences, Univ. of New Hampshire
From: WIPHYS Oct 29, 2009

The Department of Physics at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of space physics. Exceptional candidates at a higher rank will also be considered. The position will have half the normal teaching and service load, and will be partially funded by NASA projects. Projects include: the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation on the active Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission, the Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma instrument suite on the in-development Radiation Belts Storm Probe mission, and the Energetic Particle Detector on the in-development Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission.

We seek faculty who are qualified to teach in the Department of Physics, who will strengthen the research program of the Space Science Center (SSC) of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS), and who will contribute substantially to the above-noted projects. All candidates with research interests on the science goals of the above missions will be considered, but preference will be given to candidates with strong research background and broad experience specifically in: galactic cosmic rays, solar particles, and their radiation effects; particle acceleration and transport throughout the heliosphere; and the physics of magnetic reconnection and plasma turbulence in space plasmas.

Successful candidates will be expected to develop externally funded research programs and strengthen interdisciplinary research activities in the SSC and EOS and to contribute significantly to the teaching mission of the Department of Physics. Information regarding research and educational interests and programs in the Department of Physics may be found at and on the SSC at

UNH is a Land Grant, Sea Grant and Space Grant institution with approximately 13,000 undergraduate and graduate students. There are numerous departments and research institutes that provide excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary research. See:


Application review will begin on January 7, 2010 and continue until the position is filled. Electronic applications are strongly preferred, but paper applications are also acceptable. Applicants should send a CV, a statement of research accomplishments and plans, a statement on teaching, and also arrange for three electronic letters of recommendation to be sent directly to: Ms. Katie Makem-Boucher, DeMeritt Hall 237A, 9 Library Way Durham, NH 03824 Email: Inquiries about the position should be addressed to Professor Harlan Spence at .

UNH is an equal opportunity employer, and strongly committed to achieving excellence through diversity. The University actively encourages applications and nominations of women, persons of color, persons with disabilities, and members of other underrepresented groups.

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7. How to Submit, Subscribe, or Unsubscribe to AASWOMEN

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To submit to AASWOMEN: send email to All material sent to that address will be posted unless you tell us otherwise (including your email address).

To subscribe or unsubscribe to AASWOMEN go to

and fill out the form.

If you experience any problems, please email

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8. Access to Past Issues of AASWOMEN

Past issues of AASWOMEN are available at

Each annual summary includes an index of topics covered.

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